Why It’s Not Good to Be Too Nice to Everyone All the Time

Always nice?

“Be nice to everyone.”

I bet each of us has heard this as a kid. Parents, teachers, everyone told us that. They never ran out of breath while emphasising how important it is to be nice — all the time.

There is nothing wrong with people who are nice. On the contrary, it’s nice to be nice to people. That makes you a likable person. But have you come across people who are excessively nice all the time? Do you like such people? I think most people will say no.

Nice or nauseating?

There’s a subtle line between being nice and too nice. It gets irritating when some agrees with all your viewpoints, showers you with compliments no matter how badly you have done a job, and laughs at everything you say without pausing to check whether it’s funny or not. Do you find such people nice or nauseating? The latter, I guess.

In this article, you will learn why people feel the need to be excessively nice to others all the time and how this personality trait appears in handwriting.

Why always be nice?

Because they want validation from them. They are afraid of social failures. To ensure they don’t fail, they express excessive humility.

Also, they have very little faith in themselves, and they don’t appreciate what they have. Therefore, they constantly look for approval. In short, they lack self-esteem.

Looking for approval?

Looking for approval?

There are several ways in which the lack of self-esteem is manifested in handwriting. We will discuss three of them in this article:

#1. Size of the PPI

It is important for everyone to know that PPI, or personal pronoun I, is a key aspect of your handwriting. There are several ways to write the PPI, and most of them could be graphologically perfect.

On the other hand, many variants of the PPI could indicate the writer’s low self-esteem. One of them is lowercase i in place of the capital I.

Why It's Not Good to Be Too Nice to Everyone All the Time 1

According to handwriting analysis, a small or lower case PPI indicates that the writer has a poor self-esteem and he underestimates his abilities. He lacks the courage to speak his mind.

#2. Low t-bar

In handwriting, a low self-image is also revealed by a low t-bar.

Why It's Not Good to Be Too Nice to Everyone All the Time 2

According to graphology, The low t-bar reveals the writer doesn’t have a great amount of ego strength about himself. Such a writer hardly finds good qualities in himself and is always self-critical, which degrades his sense of personal value.

#3. Small capitals & signature

Signs of low confidence are often seen in handwriting where the size of capital letters is small — just about the size of an average lower case letter.

Also, a small signature, as we have said many times before especially in this article on signature analysis, is also indicative of the lack of self-esteem.

#4. They wear a funny smile

Yes, they always wear this funny smile, which they can never seem to wipe off. Just kidding.

The bottom line: you are mistaken if you believe you can win over people by being nice to them all the time. In fact, if you behave that way, you subconsciously tell the world about your weaknesses and lack of self-confidence.

And believe me, nobody wants to befriend anyone without a backbone; not even those who have taken the vow to be eternally nice.

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.