All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”
— Walt Disney
Everyone has the ability to dream, but not everyone believes they can chase and realise their dreams. This mostly happens because the person’s goals and belief systems are not in sync.
They believe that their current circumstances are keeping them from getting the things they want to do in life.
The fact is that we all have unique sets of circumstances in our lives — some of them really challenging. But unfavourable circumstances notwithstanding, some people find a way to go after their dreams.
In handwriting analysis, the the lower loop appearing in letters such as y and g indicates the length to which the person will go to achieve what they need. The more the individual stretches downward, the further they are willing to reach, expand and grow in this area.
Writers with long lower loop in their handwriting are physically active and they have the ability to persevere in difficult circumstances.
The only condition is that the pressure applied while writing the loop should be appropriate: heavy on the downward stroke and lighter on the upward stroke.
If the lower loop remains is complete, the writer learns from his failures and moves forward by tweaking his plan.
If the lower loop remains is complete, the writer learns from his failures and moves forward by tweaking his plan.
On the other hand, if the lower loop remains unfinished, the writer has failed to integrate past learning experiences into present-day reality. Such writers do not learn from from mistakes and are likely to repeat them.
However, if the loops are too long or they start touching the lines below, it shows that the writer may have a healthy drive, but he lacks clarity on how to go about getting what he wants.
Check your lower-zone letters and find out how passionately you chase your dreams.