Handwriting Analysis Quiz: Answer 5 Questions to Test Your Knowledge

Handwriting Analysis Quiz: Answer 5 Questions to Test Your Knowledge 1

Look at the handwriting sample below and answer the questions based on them. Test how much handwriting analysis you have learnt so far!

Handwriting Analysis Quiz: Answer 5 Questions to Test Your Knowledge 2


1. Who is feeling guilty and needs to hide something from public knowledge, left or right?

Answer: Right. Those who feel guilty about a past action (or actions) will often “cover” their words or even their name by an ending stroke that swoops up and over, ending in a leftward direction. Some call this the “Catholic Stroke” since much of the time those who grew up in Catholicism retain strong feelings of guilt that shows up in their handwriting.

2. Who is more irritated at the moment, left or right?

Answer: Left. Those who are irritated at the moment or just have an irritable nature will often substitute small slashes in place of normal ‘i’ dots. This is actually a very common trait – relax, everyone! 🙂

3. Which ‘Jim’ doesn’t like himself, left or right?

Answer: Right. Watch out for those who cross out their own name. This is a sign of self-dislike and a warning of possible self-destruction of various forms.

4. Who is more open-minded or a better listener, left or right?

Answer: Left. When the middle zone letters such as ‘e’, ‘o’, and ‘a’ are open and rounded, you’ve got someone who listens well and is open to others’ opinions. When these letters (especially ‘e’s) are instead retraced and completely closed, you may have a selective listener on your hands!

5. Who is more stubborn and won’t budge, left or right?

Answer: Left. This was the least easy one to figure out by sight, but probably many of you guessed it anyway. Stubbornness is a defence mechanism that shows up in handwriting when ‘d’s and/or ‘t’s look like upside-down ‘v’s. These letters in the left-hand sample are braced, like someone standing with their legs spread in defiance. Watch for this trait – it’s often very difficult to get this person to change his mind once it’s made up!

Quiz source: http://strengthandsong.wordpress.com/

Want to learn handwriting analysis at home? Click here

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.