Jeremy Renner’s Signature Says He is a Sensitive Man

Jeremy Renner

Jeremy Renner

Thanks to writer Zak Penn, good friend Jeremy Renner is enjoying the success of sequels, namely The Avengers. Friday, May 1st, Renner reprised his role as Hawkeye in the US release of Avengers: The Age of Ultron.

“The Avengers was the first big movie I signed on to,” says Renner, and according to its overseas debut, Age of Ultron is already surpassing Disney’s expectations garnering $201.1 million to date.


Jeremy Renner's signatureSingle and sexy Jeremy Renner is a catch! The “catch” being you need to get inside his mind and heart. Tough on the outside, soft on the inside, Jeremy is just the perfect combination of manly and sensitive.

Other personality traits include:

Personal confidence – evidenced by the large “J” in Jeremy
Close familial relationships – seen in the connectedness of his first and last names
Protective of personal details regarding himself and his family – evidenced in the missing letters in both names
• Positivity; seen in the upward slant of this entire signature

Advice: The ideal mate for Jeremy Renner needs to be self-confident, intelligent, and secure. A true partnership would be best – someone Jeremy can go to for advice and support. He may be hard to crack, but once done, he’s yours!

The author is a New York-based graphologist and runs a website on handwriting analysis. She can be contacted at [email protected]

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.