5 Things Handwriting Analysis Cannot Reveal about a Person

5 Things Handwriting Analysis Cannot Reveal about a Person 1

We have discussed in great detail what your handwriting can reveal. Let’s find out now some of the things that graphology — the study of handwriting formations — cannot reveal.

It is the duty of a professional handwriting expert to make it clear to his clients in order to dispel any misconceptions as to what can be disclosed in the writing.

Writer’s gender

The sex of the writer cannot be ascertained from handwriting. Essentially, there is no difference in the male or female handwriting.

However, the handwriting can reveal whether the writer has masculine or feminine personality traits. As a matter of rule, a handwriting analyst should be told in advance whether the writer is a man or a woman.

Marital status

It cannot be see in the handwriting whether a person is married or single. There is no stroke in the handwriting to suggest that. Graphologists who claim to know that are nothing but charlatans.

However, the handwriting can reveal whether the writer feels the need to get a partner. The clue is in the slant of the handwriting. Read more on  handwriting slants.

5 Things Handwriting Analysis Cannot Reveal about a Person 2

Age of a person

Age is not disclosed in the handwriting. However, a handwriting analyst can discover whether the writer is intellectually and emotionally mature or immature. But he cannot ascertain the chronological age.

A handwriting analyst should remember to ask the age of the person whose handwriting he is analysing. The actual date of birth is not necessary.

Prediction of successful marriage

5 Things Handwriting Analysis Cannot Reveal about a Person 3

Graphologists usually receive the handwriting of a man and a woman, and are asked whether the two will make a compatible or successful marriage.

Let me tell you clearly that is not possible to tell as it would fall in the realm of prediction. And graphology cannot predict anything.

The only function the graphologist can perform is to tell the basic personality traits of the man and the woman. After that, it is up to the them to understand themselves and each other and whether they want to produce a successful marriage.

It cannot be predicted just from handwriting how a marriage will turn out because the success of marital bond also depends on several influences outside of their own personalities, such as finances and in-laws.

Is the writer a parent?

5 Things Handwriting Analysis Cannot Reveal about a Person 4

The handwriting cannot reveal whether a person is a parent. Hence, if someone wants to touch upon the parent-child relationship, it is essential to inform the handwriting analyst that the writer is a parent.

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.