Anger in handwriting
You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.
— Buddha
Anger is a natural human reaction and a mature emotion when we do not allow it to last long or go out of hand, and when it does not hurt anyone. It is just a reaction when something happens that conflicts with our idea of how things should be or how people should act. It can also be motivated by compassion or sense of responsibility.
Where anger is motivated by compassion, it can be used as an impetus for positive action. But if anger is left unchecked, it aggravates and keeps on increasing.
If we let anger remain in our heart, it festers into a grudge and stress, which wears us down. Suddenly, aroused anger shoots up the blood pressure. And if it is not controlled by reason, it can turn into violence.
Due to anger, our physical and psychological energies are stressed, which affects our physiological and psychological well-being. It can cloud our judgement by affecting reasoning.
It can wreak havoc on our relationships and destroys our peace of mind. Hence, it is one of the major roadblocks to our happiness.
There are many ways to control anger such as altering the mood by distractions, such as slowly counting to 10 and sipping a glass of water.
But on a long-term basis, we need to cultivate the antidotes to anger: patience and tolerance. These can give us protection from the destructive effects of anger.
Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.
— Dalai Lama
If we respond to a difficult situation with anger, not only does it prevent us from getting out of it, but also gives birth to additional troublesome factors that could in fact add to our misery.
However, if we respond to a situation with patience and tolerance, we may face temporary discomfort and hurt, but we avoid potentially dangerous long-term consequences. Convincing ourselves about this can itself motivate us to control our anger.
7 key graphological indicators of anger in handwriting
If you find any two of more of the following strokes in your handwriting, it’s time for you take a chill pill.
- Sudden pressure surge, especially on down strokes
- Slashing strokes on i-dots or t-bars
- Tick-mark stroke at the beginning or the end of a letter
- Sharp terminals in the letters y and g
- Pointed upper-zone loops
- Sudden right slant in letter d
- Pointed final strokes in letters m and n
It is equally important that other indicators in a handwriting sample are taken into account before arriving at a final conclusion.
For example, pointed upper-zone loops can also indicate harder emotions like tension, worry, fear etc. Slashing strokes on ‘i’ dots/‘t’ bars can be due to hurriedly written sample.
Similarly, anger will rear its head every now and then if the pressure of writing is very heavy.
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