Initial strokes in handwriting shows that you always look for guidance and support before getting started
Do you remember when you learnt how to ride a bicycle?
It’s unlikely you learnt it alone. Either you used training wheels or found someone who helped you make your initial moves so that you wouldn’t fall over and hurt yourself.
The external support of the training wheels or an instructor is needed till the time you got accustomed to sitting on a bike comfortably, using your legs to pedal, and figuring out how to keep the balance.
Like many of you, even I remember very well the feeling of freedom and accomplishment when I coasted on two wheels for the first time. It’s an unforgettable experience.
Once you learn how to ride a bike, you don’t need the training wheels or an instructor every time you take it out for a spin.
However, if you continue to need the training wheels even several years later, it means you’re scared of riding alone.
Initial strokes in handwriting: Training wheels are needed only when you’re learning how to ride a bike.
Similarly, in your growth as an individual, a lot of people have played the role of training wheels at various points in time.
But once the training is over, you are supposed to become a self-confident person who can be a self-starter and who does not compusorily need support of other people to move forward.
On the other hand, a person who is unable to let go of the training wheels is someone who always needs a crutch. Such a person finds it hard to get started on a project or a task without mandatorily seeking guidance from others.
Initial strokes in handwriting
In handwriting analysis, a person’s tendency to avoid removing the training wheels is seen in the presence of initial hooks in the handwriting.
Initial strokes in handwriting
A handwriting sample fraught with such initial hooks shows a person who gets involved in unncessary thinking before getting started. This also happens when you feel you aren’t confident of finishing a task, so you don’t want to start doing it in the first place.
A person with plenty of intial hooks in his handwriting would rather have unfilled dreams with the potential of them working out, rather than facing the disappointment of taking action and “failing”. In short, such a writer may accept defeat even without trying.
On the other hand, absence of any initial strokes in handwriting reveals a confident and independent writer who relies on himself. He is capable to acting quickly without wasting much time. He welcomes guidance, but does not wait for it to get started.
What should you do if you have initial strokes in handwriting? A simple answer is: Lose them as soon as possible. Your handwriting will not reach graphic maturity with the presence of these initial strokes or hooks.
Now, check whether you have those handwriting strokes and let us know in the comment box below.
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